BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:All Day Joint meeting with the Yorkshire Society of Anaesthetists UID:1062 DESCRIPTION: Programme\n\n  \n\n 08:50   \n\n To join the Live Event on Microsoft Teams\n\n Microsoft Teams meeting\n Join on your computer, mobile app or room device\n Click here to join the meeting\n Meeting ID: 380 750 329 911\n Passcode: TGMggx\n  \n\n To provide feedback & obtain CPD certificate click this link\n Link opens on 11/5/23 and closes 48 hours later.\n\n Click For YSA Programme with above links\n\n Session 1 – Airway Theme and Prize presentations\n\n 09:30 – 10:10\n\n Airway education for anaesthetists\n Dr Thomas Lawson, Consultant Anaesthetist Swansea Bay UHB\n\n 10:10 – 10:50\n\n The challenges and achievements of the airway leads at HUTH \n\n Dr Andrew Quin, Consultant Anaesthetist, HUTH\n\n 10:50 – 11:10\n\n Creating a toolkit: a secondary analysis of intervention implementation from the Improving Tracheostomy Care Quality Program\n Dr Mark Brown, MMS Section of Anaesthesia Trainee Prize winner\n\n 11:10 – 11:20 \n\n Comfort Break\n\n Session 2 – Airway Theme and Prize presentations\n\n 11:20 – 12:00   \n\n The role of airway ultrasound and THRIVE in difficult intubation\n Speakers TBC\n\n 12:00 – 12:20   \n\n What factors influence Anaesthetists decision making when deciding to trust or reject evidence and guidelines – a qualitative study\n Dr Simon Mackie, MMS Section of Anaesthesia Trainee Prize Runner up\n\n 12:20 – 12:40  \n\n Energy use out of hours in theatres\n Kimberley Newton and Annette Haines,\n Martin Boylan (YSA) Prize Winners\n\n 12:40 – 13:30   \n\n Lunch Break\n\n Session 3 - Regional anaesthesia\n\n 13:30 – 14:10   \n\n Motor sparing lower leg block\n Dr Sanjeeven Shanmuganathan, Consultant Anaesthetist,\n ROH, Stanmore\n\n 14:10 – 14:50   \n\n Ambulatory Spinal anaesthesia                                               Professor Anil Hormis, Consultant Anaesthetist, Rotherham\n\n 14:50 – 15:00   \n\n Comfort Break\n\n Session 4 - Regional anaesthesia\n\n 15:00 to 15:40\n\n Dealing with failed blocks\n Dr Thomas Bottomley and Dr Simeon West\n Consultant Anaesthetists, UCLH\n\n 15:40 to 16:20\n\n The debate\n ''The thoracic epidural is an obsolete pain relief modality"\n\n 15:40 to 15:55 – For the proposition – Dr Harry Murgatroyd\n Consultant anaesthetist, York\n\n 15:55 to 16:10 – Against the proposition – Dr Simon May\n Consultant anaesthetist, HUTH\n\n 16:10 to 16:20             Discussion/Q&A\n\n 16:20 to 16:30\n\n Feedback, Evaluation, and Closing remarks\n\n  \n\n DTSTART:20230511T081500Z DTEND:20230511T153000Z LOCATION:VIRTUAL END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR