BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Medicine Trainee Presentation Morning (Spring 2023) UID:1063 DESCRIPTION:This meeting is being held face-to-face.   This meeting is free for all to attend.  All attendees MUST register in advance.  Venue directions:\n\n9.00-9.30 am                \n\nCoffee and Registration\n\n9.30-10.50 am            \n\nClinical Case Presentations:\n\nRajish Shil – A rare case of opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome following Covid-19 illnessNadia Kathrada – A case of eosinophilic myocarditis secondary to EGPA vasculitisYun Xin Koh – The unlikely culprit of opiod toxicity – loperamideAbidur Reza Chowdhury – Cardiac amyloidosis masquerading as atrial fibrillationAnanya Chowdhury – Tuberculosis peritonitis: A case of diagnostic dilemmaAmy Hardy – Case of clinical interest: Congenital central hyperventilation syndrome complicated by a superior vena cava thrombusJoy Adepoju – Organ-threatening dual-positive anti-GBM and MPO-ANCA vasculitis: an unusual case in a middle-aged womanYahia Metwally – Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome  10.50-11.20 am         \n\nCoffee & Judging\n\n11.20-12.00 pm         \n\nQuality Improvement Presentations:\n\nDebkumar Chowdhury – Introduction of Major Haemorrhage Protocol (MHP) and Major Trauma Team Activation (MTTA) protocol at a large teaching District General HospitalZeinab Diab – Prasugrel as first-line therapy for stemi patients undergoing PPCIAdam Maskrey – Allopurinol monitoring in primary care12.00-12.15 pm         \n\nJudging and Announcement of Winners\n\n DTSTART:20230516T083000Z DTEND:20230516T111500Z LOCATION:MANDEC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR