BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Pathology Portal UID:1071 DESCRIPTION:To book for or join this event please use this link:\n\nYou will be able to submit questions to the speaker during the event using the Q&A function on Zoom.\n\n1.00-2.00 pm\n\nDr Esther Youd, Consultant Pathologist, Forensic Medicine and Science, University of Glasgow\n\nSynopsis:\n\nThe Pathology Portal is a new online educational platform for pathology. Created by the Royal College of Pathologists, in collaboration with the Technology Enhanced Learning Team from NHS England, this free educational platform has allowed high quality learning materials to be available to trainee pathologists regardless of where they are based. The resources are also used by established consultants, seeking CPD opportunities or for teaching sessions, undergraduates and junior doctors considering a career in a pathology specialty, and a broad spectrum of healthcare professionals.\n\nLearning materials include a wide range of media, including video, audio, text, data, photos and whole slide images, with annotation functions. The platform is designed with accessibility built in. Additional functions are being added all the time.\n\nTeams of editors, including trainee editors, and international faculty have worked collaboratively to curate and develop content for students, trainees and established practitioners across all pathology specialties. Content now includes over 3700 cases, with a wide range of whole slide images, including EQA schemes, videos, data, podcasts, quizzes and assessments. Content is being added all the time, and regular review undertaken. 90% of content is 5/5 star rated by users. Content has been accessed over 42,000 times since launch in August 2022.\n\nThe Pathology Portal continues to be developed, both from an IT design perspective and with more content being added over time. If you have educational material you would like to contribute to this growing collection, the Pathology Portal team would be delighted to hear from you. Contact\n\nLearning points:\n\nThe Pathology Portal is a new online free educational platform for pathologyAccess via the Learning Hub and request access to the Pathology Portal catalogue (one time authorisation)Pathologists including trainees can get involved in creating new educational content – contact DTSTART:20240123T130000Z DTEND:20240123T140000Z LOCATION:ZOOM LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR