BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Paediatrics Annual Meeting – Presentations, Presidential Address and Symposium UID:1077 DESCRIPTION:10.00 am         \n\nREGISTRATION & COFFEE\n\n10.30 am        \n\nRESEARCH AND AUDIT PRESENTATIONS:\n\n10.40 am        \n\nTeleireoluwa (Anna) Apara - Death of the Paediatric Manikin: A Systematic Review\n\n10.50 am        \n\nDr Alice Willson - Developing regional population health training for paediatric trainees in the north west\n\n11.00 am        \n\nSweatha Ananthalingam - Periviable birth and survivor outcomes: a parental perspective\n\n11.10 am         \n\nCOMFORT BREAK\n\n11.20 am        \n\nDr Se Yin Chang - Retrospective local review of recognition and management of paediatric anaphylaxis and compliance with NICE Guidelines\n\n11.30 am        \n\nDr Alice Fortune - Managing mothers’ and fathers’ uncertainty during their journey through early neurodevelopmental follow-up for their high-risk infants – A qualitative account\n\n11.40 am        \n\nDr Liene Peaple - Preparing for adulthood for young people with neurorehabilitation needs Pathway Pilot Project, Bury\n\n11.50 am        \n\nDr Emily Mulligan - Development of a patient report outcome measure for use in paediatric mitochondrial disease\n\n12.15 pm        \n\nThe Annual General Meeting of the Section of Paediatrics will take place immediately prior to the Presidential Address to formally elect new Office bearers and members of Council\n\n12.20 pm      \n\nGetting it together  \n\nPRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS of Dr Hilary Lloyd (Consultant in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry)\n\nBrief synopsis: \n\nReflections on paediatric liaison psychiatry and thoughts about the future.\n\n1.00 pm          \n\nLUNCH\n\n2.00pm           \n\nRCPCH Mental Health Officer update\n\nGaisford Memorial Lecture given by Dr Karen Street (Officer for Mental Health, RCPCH)\n\nTalk synopsis:\n\nDr Street will provide an update on the activity of the college around policy, advocacy, partnership working, education and training where applicable to Children and Young People's Mental Health'  including the new Mental Health Champion roles funded by NHSE. \n\nLearning objectives:\n\nTo understand the work within RCPCH regarding children and young peoples mental health (CYPMH)To be aware of the education and training opportunities within RCPCH for CYPMHTo be aware of the partnership working with RCPCH and other organisations in the field of CYPMH2.40 pm   \n\nPrenatal exposure to antiseizure medications and neurodevelopmental outcomes\n\nDr Rebecca Bromley, (Paediatric Neuropsychologist, University of Manchester and Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital) \n\nBrief summary:\n\nThis talk will review the accumulation of data regarding the longer term development of children exposed to antiseizure medications in utero. It will explore the risks associated with sodium valproates exposure and current evidence regarding the risk profile of other antiseizure medications with regards to neurodevelopmental outcomes. It will review what research is currently being undertaken and what further steps are needed ensure a more rapid understanding of the longer term outcomes of children exposed to antiseizure medications in the womb.    \n\n3.20 pm          \n\nTEA BREAK\n\n3.50 pm          \n\nUse of non-invasive brain stimulation for the amelioration of learning difficulties in rare genetic conditions\n\nDr Shruti Garg (Consultant in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, RMCH and Clinical Senior Lecturer in Translational Child Psychiatry, University of Manchester\n\n4.30 pm          \n\nClose\n\nThis meeting has been supported by Reckitt with Subsistence and Exhibition space only and had no involvement with the agenda or content.\n\n \n\n DTSTART:20231011T090000Z DTEND:20231011T153000Z LOCATION:MANDEC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR