BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Adult ASC for General Psychiatrists UID:1078 DESCRIPTION:To book for or join this event please use this link:\n\n2.00-2.40 pm\n\nAutism for the non specialist\n\nDr Susannah Whitwell, Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust\n\nBrief talk synopsis:\n\nDr Whitwell will review current diagnostic criteria and issues around identification, diagnosis and support for autistic adults and the psychiatrists they work with.\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nKnowledge of current diagnostic framework for autism spectrum disorderAwareness of how autism presents in a mental health populationPractical knowledge and confidence to identify adults who would benefit from a diagnostic assessment and awareness of the issues to consider around diagnosis in this patient group2.40-3.20 pm \n\nAutism: current landscape and implication for adult psychiatry \n\nDr Conor Davidson, Consultant Psychiatrist, Leeds Autism Diagnostic Service & Royal College of Psychiatrists Autism Champion\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nUnderstanding of current trends in autism referral patterns and demographicsAppreciation of link between adult autism and mental health problemsAwareness of new policy and training developments in the world of autism3.20-3.35 pm         \n\nShort break\n\n3.35-4.20 pm         \n\nWhat is Autistic Phenomenology? Past, present and future implications\n\nProfessor Jonathan Green, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Manchester and Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre; Honorary Consultant, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital; NIHR Senior Investigator\n\nTalk synopsis:\n\nAutism is notable in not having a phenomenology within its current nosology. The recent rise in the neurodiversity movement and autistic advocacy, plus new historical and scientific perspectives, have re-established the salience and need for such an autistic phenomenology. I will review previous roles of phenomenology within the historical evolution of the autism concept. I will describe my own current investigations in this area towards a more systematic autistic phenomenology and the implications this could have for clinical practice and science.\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nHistory of autism and phenomenologyModern phenomenological methodsConceptual shifts for autism within neurodiversity4.20 pm                   \n\nClosing comments  \n\n DTSTART:20231122T140000Z DTEND:20231122T163000Z LOCATION:ZOOM LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR