BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Topical Updates from Wythenshawe’s Talented Team UID:1093 DESCRIPTION:6.30-7.00 pm     \n\nRegistration\n\n7.00-8.00 pm     \n\nThis March will celebrate International Women’s Day with talks from inspirational Wythenshawe women.\n\nCo-Chairs: Miss Karen Telford & Mr Simon Galloway\n\nMiss Patrizia Capozzi, Consultant General Surgeon \n\nEmergency General Surgery\n\nA brief summary of the changes made to the Emergency Surgery Service at Wythenshawe HospitalMiss Gemma Faulkner, Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon\n\nA personal experience of global surgery: Treating obstetric injuries in rural Uganda.\n\nBrief synopsis:\n\nThis talk will cover my personal experience as a trustee and volunteer for the Manchester-based charity, Birth-Aid.  The charity is comprised of volunteers including Nurses, Urogynaecologists and Colorectal Surgeons.  We have delivered surgical camps at Virika Hospital in Fort Portal, Western Uganda, working with the local team to treat women with childbirth injuries including vesico-vaginal fistulae, urogenital prolapse, rectovaginal fistulae and anal sphincter defects due to unrepaired fourth degree tears. \n\nLearning objectives:\n\nTo understand the impact of preventable obstetric injury in under-resourced countriesTo understand the practical and ethical challenges and to appreciate the rewards of providing surgical care in an under-resourced settingProfessor Deena Harji, Consultant Robotic and Colorectal Surgeon\n\nTheme: Robotics and Digital Technology\n\nMs Laura Hancock, Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon\n\nImproving outcomes in the surgical management of IBD\n\nMrs Sarah Duff, Colorectal and General Surgeon\n\nClinical research and cell-free tumour DNA\n\nBrief synopsis: \nAn update on an important topic in cancer research and how the use of new technologies and biomarkers may change oncological strategies in colorectal cancer.\n\n DTSTART:20240312T190000Z DTEND:20240312T200000Z LOCATION:Education & Research Centre, Wythenshawe Hospital END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR