BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:John F Wilkinson Memorial Lecture UID:1096 DESCRIPTION:5.30 pm\n\nCoffee & Registration\n\n6.00-7.00 pm\n\nTraumatic Brain Injury in Professional Rugby League-my 20 year journey as a clinician \n\nProfessor Chris Brookes , Honorary Professor, University of Manchester; Chief Medical Officer, Rugby Football League and England Rugby League; Vice Chairman, Wigan Warriors Rugby League.\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nThe clinical manifestation of concussion and its diagnosis.The evidence base underpinning the current clinical response to concussions in sport.The ground breaking research portfolio being undertaken in professional Rugby League, how this is influencing and informing changes in the game’s presentation and rules.Approved by the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom for\n1 category 1 (external) CPD credit\n\n DTSTART:20230913T170000Z DTEND:20230913T180000Z LOCATION:MANDEC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR