BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Imaging Trainee Presentations Afternoon - VIA ZOOM UID:1104 DESCRIPTION:To book for or join this event please use this link:\n\nThis meeting is a HYBRID event.  To register to attend this event FACE TO FACE instead click here.\n\n2.00 pm  \n\nThe Annual General Meeting of the Section of Imaging will take place immediately prior to the symposium to formally elect new Office bearers and members of Council: PRESIDENT-ELECT - Hugh Burnett, ORDINARY MEMBERS OF COUNCIL - Subhasis Basu and Vinotha Nadarajah\n\n2.05pm        \n\n"Insights from a breast radiologist"\n\nPresidential Address by Dr Caroline Parkin, Consultant Breast Radiologist, Nightingale Centre, MFT (Wythenshawe)\n\nOutline of Lecture:\n\nBreast disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Its prevention, detection and management is evolving in an exciting and increasingly personalised manner. The opportunity to join breast services is an opportunity to (1) join a highly collaborative team, (2) develop nuanced knowledge, diagnostic and interventional skills, (3) make a tangible difference to the lives of others and (4) experience, first hand, the gratitude that our patients have for us.\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nShare a whistle stop tour of the career of the incumbent president.\n\nDiscuss why “breast is best” as a career option for health care professionals\n\nPresent interesting cases to illustrate the varied and evolving nature of breast care\n\nTrainee Presentations:\n\n2.45pm        \n\nDr Syed Hassan – “Haemoptysis – Is it always PE?”\n\n2.55pm        \n\nDr Alex Garnett – “We have you surrounded!: Multi-directional approach to embolising stomal variceal networks”\n\n3.05pm        \n\nDr Nahla Zahran – “Ecchordosis physaliphora”\n\n3.15pm        \n\nDr Harsha Pratap – “Giant Pseudo Angiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia (PASH) of breast in an adolescent female”\n\n3.25pm        \n\nDr Katie Hodnett – “A curious case of disappearing and reappearing adrenal glands”\n\n3.35pm        \n\nDr Wendy Tan – “Image guided vacuum assisted excision of breast cancer”\n\n3.45pm        \n\nA short break for judges to confer\n\n4.00pm       \n\nDr Yousef Alwan, Curriculum Lead, North West School of Radiology - "Developments in Training"\n\nTalk synopsis:\n\nThis talk will cover developments in radiology training in the North West School of Radiology over the past several years. These developments are grouped into 3 categories: (1) developments in trainees including recruitment of more trainees and coverage of the RCR curriculum, (2) developments in trainers which includes recruitment of subspeciality Training Programme Directors (TPD) and support staff in the school and (3) expanding the school infrastructure which includes both physical sites and on-line educational platforms. The talk will begin with a brief introduction covering the background of the school of radiology and will include reference to recruitment to the imaging workforce as a whole and the importance and benefits of skill mix.  \n\n4.40pm        \n\nAnnouncement of Winners\n\n DTSTART:20231019T130000Z DTEND:20231019T160000Z LOCATION:ZOOM LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR