BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wedgwood School Christmas Lecture for Young People UID:1105 DESCRIPTION:The Manchester Medical Society arranges an annual Christmas Lecture for students in school years 10 to 13.  If your schools wishes to attend enquiries can be made at\n\nHumanitarian Medicine: What is it? Where does it come from? Why do we need it?  A dialogue on the past, present and future of humanitarian medicine.\n\nProfessor Tony Redmond, Professor Emeritus of International Emergency Medicine, Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, University of Manchester\n\nProfessor Bertrand Taithe, Professor of Cultural History, University of Manchester; Editor: European Review of History - Revue européenne d'histoire & Journal of Humanitarian Affairs; Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute\n\n \n\nThis talk will be a dialogue between Professor Tony Redmond, a leading British humanitarian with 40 years of field experience and expertise, the author of many articles and whose autobiography, Frontline: Saving Lives in War, Disaster and Disease is a major contribution to our understanding of the recent past of British and international humanitarian aid and Professor Bertrand Taithe, a historian of humanitarian medicine with an ongoing Wellcome project on the history of humanitarian medicine and a member of the scientific advisory board of MSF think tank CRASH. They will draw on Tony's practice and their field experience and scholarship to show the complicated issues arising from humanitarian medical practices in disaster and warzones. \n\n DTSTART:20231206T140000Z DTEND:20231206T150000Z LOCATION:Simon Building, University of Manchester END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR