BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Developments in the delivery of imaging services UID:1107 DESCRIPTION:To book for or join this event please use this link:\n\nSpeakers include:\n\nDr Diana Rosof-Williams, Consultant Radiologist & PET CT Lead, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS FT\n\n'Integrated Care Systems: The Lancashire and South Cumbria Diagnostic Imaging Network'\n\nLecture synopsis:\n\nDr Rosof-Williams talk will discuss the LSC Diagnostic Imaging Network structure, the benefits of working as a network, an introduction to the key components, how success is measured by NHSE,  and examples of projects in various workstreams.\n\nDr Robin Proctor, Consultant Radiologist, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS FT\n\n‘What can you measure, what should you measure?’\n\nLecture synopsis:\n\n“Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted” is often attributed to Einstein, but how does that apply to diagnostic imaging?\n\nAs we have become more digital what we can measure has expanded and how that data is used has expanded with it.  But do we measure the right things?  What is the impact of what we measure?  For instance, is it even possible to measure culture?\n\nWhat about quality? We are already short so how can we measure if our work is any good without yet more work?\n\n \n\nBetween them, speakers will try and cover the following from a departmental/ personal perspective rather than a regional one: \n\nReturn on investment staff recruitment papersCapacity and demand across the networkClinical priorities, e.g.critical alerts and the Rad Alert projectsPossibly clinical decision support tools e.g.  Advice and Guidance vs iRefer vs ICan Check.Role of Business Intelligence Disaster avoidance to quality improvement  - Attempts to measure quality- embedded peer review, data from MDT, surgical feedbackExpansion of imaging indications Workforce developments – international recruitment, skill mixImpact of IT changes and AI Ongoing challenges DTSTART:20240314T183000Z DTEND:20240314T193000Z LOCATION:ZOOM LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR