BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Internal Medicine (Spring 2024) - Core Topics - CANCELLED UID:1114 DESCRIPTION:To book for or join this event please use this link:\n\n***DUE TO THE DOCTORS STRIKE THIS WEBINAR HAS BEEN CANCELLED - RESCHEDULED TO 30TH APRIL 2024**  \n\n2.00 pm\n\nEnvironmental sustainability in the NHS – is this possible?  \n\nDr David McKelvey, NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Clinical Lead in Sustainability in Primary Care   \n\nOutline of talk:\n\nThe escalating impacts on health of the Climate and Ecological Crisis are becoming more visible with each report of another severe weather event.  The moral and health imperative to reduce emissions is clear.  Health services account for about 5% of the UK’s emissions and the NHS has an ambition to be net zero for emissions in its control by 2040 and by 2045 for those in its supply chains.  Sounds good, but is that enough, too much, or barking up the wrong tree?\n\n2.30 pm\n\nPapilloedema\n\nMr Ali Yagan, Consultant Neuro Ophthalmologist and Strabismus Surgeon, Associate Medical Director and Director of Medical Education at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nThe talk will discuss the anatomy of the optic nerves and it's functions. It will also discuss OCT scans, normal features as well as optic nerve swelling. Mr Yagan will show key features to differentiate papilloedema from pseudo papilloedema.He will share management protocols for raised intracranial pressure from the ophthalmic point of view. 3.00 pm         \n\nshort break\n\n3.15 pm\n\nUpdate on Progressive Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Diseases (PFILD)\n\nDr Cristina Avram,  Respiratory Medicine Consultant with special interest in ILD; Speciality Lead - ILD, Pulmonary Vascular Disease, General Respiratory Medicine, Wythenshawe Hospital  \n\nOutline of talk:\n\nDr Avram will be focusing on recent guidelines changes in definition and treatment and how these may be relevant for non-ILD clinicians.\n\n3.45 pm         \n\nAspects of care for adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in General Medicine\n\nDr Patrick Horgan, Consultant Psychiatrist, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT\n\nLearning Objectives:\n\nDiagnosis and management of adults with ADHD.Common co-occurring conditions that occur in people who have ADHD. Adjustments in the provision of medical care to be considered for people who have ADHD.4.15 pm                   \n\nClosing comments  \n\n DTSTART:20240227T140000Z DTEND:20240227T163000Z LOCATION:Zoom LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR