BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Keeping it fresh: Adaptive Education UID:1128 DESCRIPTION:To book for or join this event please use this link:\n\n2.00 pm\n\nUpdate from the RCoA Training Committee \n\nDr Sarah Thornton, Consultant in ICM and Anaesthesia, Bolton Hospitals NHS FT\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nMaintaining understanding of education and training at a national level Recruitment and differential attainment update 2.30 pm\n\nFeel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, get on up, it’s GPC time! The Hands In course!\n\nDr Nathan Betteridge, Consultant Anaesthetist, Manchester University NHS FT\n\nTalk synopsis:\n\nLeadership, teamwork, education, patient safety, and quality improvement are increasingly critical skills for medical professionals. The General Medical Council (GMC) now requires these competencies to be integrated into medical training curricula to better prepare future practitioners. How can educators effectively teach these complex subjects? In the Northwest, an new course has been developed to tackle this challenge. This talk explores the origins of the course, how it incorporates educational theories and practices, and its role in nurturing these vital skills among trainees. Join us on a journey through the development of this program and discover how medical education leadership is playing a crucial role. Let's come together and dive into "Hands In”.\n\n3.00 pm\n\nCoffee\n\n3.30 pm\n\nTeam Based Learning: changes to the Manchester Medical curriculum in Years 1 and 2\n\nDr Liz Sheader, Reader in Physiology, Academic Lead for MBChB Year 1, Programme Director for Medical Physiology (SBS), University of Manchester\n\nLecture summary:\n\nWe have recently we have transitioned from a well-established problem-based learning curriculum (PBL) to an application driven team-based learning (TBL) curriculum for Year 1 of the MBChB programme. The programme has an annual intake of up to 480 students.  Initial feedback has been very positive, with students highlighting their satisfaction with the clarity of the learning outcomes, the IRATs and TRATs and team functionality. The introduction of an expert panel answering ‘burning questions’ as a novel component was also positively received. We addressed logistical challenges as they occurred, and managed to successfully maintain small group work at scale.\n\n4.00 pm\n\nTraining of AAs  \n\nDr Clifford L Shelton, Consultant anaesthetist (specialty lead for trauma, specialty lead for sustainability), Wythenshawe Hospital.  Senior clinical lecturer in anaesthesia (co-director of the postgraduate diploma in anaesthesia and perioperative sciences, director of simulation and clinical skills), Lancaster Medical School.  Executive editor, Anaesthesia Reports\n\nIn this talk, Cliff Shelton (co-director of the anaesthesia associate course at Lancaster University) will discuss the educational needs of student anaesthesia associates, and reflect on how the recent political turmoil that has surrounded anaesthesia associates has impacted learning and educational delivery in this area. 4.30 pm\n\nClose\n\n DTSTART:20240509T130000Z DTEND:20240509T153000Z LOCATION:ZOOM LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR