BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Imaging Trainee Presentations Afternoon & Presidential Address UID:1130 DESCRIPTION:This course provides 3 CPD Credits in accordance with the CPD Scheme\nof the Royal College of Radiologists. CPD certificates will be awarded to attendees\n\n1.30 pm\nCoffee & Registration\n\n2.00 pm\nAGM of the Section of Imaging followed by the Presidential Address of Dr Hugh Burnett, Consultant Radiologist, Christie Hospital\nDraft number Two - Words and reflections\n\n2.40 pm\nThere is no body cavity that cannot be reached by a no. 14 needle and a good strong  arm - The evolution of interventional radiology\n\nDr. Rosie Cadwallader, Consultant Vascular Interventional Radiologist, Interventional Radiology Training Programme Director NWSOR, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nIR from inception to current timesFuture application of IRChanging face of IR training 3.00 pm\nIncorporating Research in Your Career or Pursuing a Career in Research: What Should You Consider?\n\nDr Katy Szczepura, Associate Professor in Medical Imaging Physics, University of Salford\n\nTalk overview:\n\nWhat are the necessary qualifications and skills for conducting research or moving to a career in research, and what opportunities are available.\n\nKey considerations of research, including impact, contribution to knowledge, funding, ethics and dissemination.\n\nChallenges and rewards of undertaking research, including time management, resources, feasibility, networking and collaboration, personal and professional goals.\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nUnderstand the opportunities available for gaining research qualificationsConsider the impact and contributions that high quality research can haveConsider the barriers to research in clinical practice, and how to move to a career in research3.20 pm\nBreak\n\nTrainee Presentations:\n\n3.40pm           \nHadir Elbeltagi - Tiny Glands, Big Clues: Imaging of Neonatal Adrenal Lesions\n\n3.50pm           \nBindu Gaur - Spontaneous Large Thoracic Meningocele\n\n4.00pm           \nJack Tun Loh - Concurrent Bilateral Breast Cancer with Distinct Pathologies: The Critical Role of Comprehensive Triple Assessment Bilaterally in Diagnosis and Management\n\n4.10pm           \nNahla Zahran - A message to the Junior radiology trainees, Is it usually acute pulmonary embolism? \n\n4.20pm           \nSoraya Campbell - The many faces of non-accidental injury: 4 month old presenting with suspected osteomyelitis\n\n4.30pm           \nFayez Elsawy - Palpable back lump in a 12-month-old with an unusual extent\n\n4.40 pm\nJudges to confer followed by the announcement of the Essay competition and Trainee presentation winners\n\n DTSTART:20241010T130000Z DTEND:20241010T160000Z LOCATION:MANDEC 3rd Floor, University Dental Hospital, Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester M15 6FH END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR