BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Paediatrics Annual Meeting – Presentations, Presidential Address & Symposium UID:1131 DESCRIPTION:9.30 am          \nREGISTRATION & COFFEE\n\nRESEARCH AND AUDIT PRESENTATIONS:\n\n10.00 am        \nAbdul-Hadi Kafagi - Evaluating the impact of the children's appendicitis score on the management of paediatric appendicitis at a district general hospital\n\n10.20 am        \nGeorge Aldersley - Gene therapy in metachromatic leukodystrophy – where next for Manchester?\n\n10.30 am        \nThomas Smith - Time to treatment of paediatric optic neuritis and effect on visual outcome in a single tertiary centre\n\n10.40 am        \nAarushi Wuppalapati - A phenomenological study on the experiences of children with limb deficiencies\n\n11.00 am         COMFORT BREAK \n\nRESEARCH AND AUDIT PRESENTATIONS:\n\n11.15 am        \nLauren Saych - Seafood allergy in children: the importance of hospital based oral food challenges in confirming diagnosis\n\n11.25 am       \nEleanor Buxton - Outcome of babies admitted to RPH NICU over 3 years with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy\n\n11.35 am       \nZainab Shah - Can pre-operative snappe-ii scores predict mortality in newborns with surgical necrotising enterocolitis?\n\n11.45 am       \nDalia Abdalla - An audit into the management of children leaving before clinical assessment\n\n12.15 pm       \nThe Annual General Meeting of the Section of Paediatrics will take place immediately prior to the Presidential Address to formally elect new Office bearers and members of Council\n\n12.20 pm       \nPRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS of Dr Sandeep Dharmaraj, Consultant Neonatologist, Royal Preston Hospital\n"Challenges in Neonatal Intensive Care: The new and the old"\n\nTalk synopsis:\n\nThis lecture will address the challenges associated with the management of extremely preterm infants at the threshold of viability (22-weekers). This will include consensus approaches where available and some local/regional data and outcomes. The talk will address current incidences of BPD and will also review the respiratory outcomes of these babies when they develop Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and Chronic Lung disease of prematurity.\n\n1.00 pm          \nLUNCH\n\nAFTERNOON SESSION \n\n2.00pm\nCATHERINE CHISHOLM MEMORIAL LECTURE: RCPCH-facing the future together\nProfessor Steve Turner, RCPCH President\n\nTalk synopsis:\n\nProfessor Turner will give an overview of present and future issues the college is working towards.\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nTo understand present issues RCPCH is currently working towardsTo understand future issues RCPCH is currently working towardsFor members in the audience to ask Steve questions  2.35pm \nImmune mediated inflammatory diseases - genes, biome and treatments (mabs and nibs)\nProfessor Athimalaipet Ramanan, Consultant Paediatric Rheumatologist at the Bristol Royal\nHospital for Children\n\nTalk synopis:\nProfessor Ramanan will touch on the concept of Immune mediated inflammatory diseases and the novel treatments that are available now\n\n3.10pm\nBREAK\n\n3.30pm\nSocioeconomic health inequalities of childhood: old problem, new solutions\nProfessor Ian Sinha, Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician at Alder Hey Childrens Hospital\n\n4.05pm\nReducing Alcohol Exposed Pregnancies-Greater Manchester approach\nRóisín Reynolds, GM Integrated Care Board Strategic Lead for Alcohol Harm, Population Health NHS Greater Manchester\nNazia Rehman, GM Integrated Care Board Policy and Project Manager for Alcohol Harm, Population Health NHS Greater Manchester\n\nTalk synopis:\n\nAn overview of how Greater Manchester has developed a proof-of-concept programme to reduce the number of women using alcohol in pregnancy and how they responded to NICE Quality Standard 204.  Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.  \n\n4.40pm\nMEETING CLOSE\n\n   CPD certificates will be made available to all attendees.\n\nThis meeting has been supported by Proveca with\nSubsistence and Exhibition space only and had no involvement with the agenda or content.\n\n DTSTART:20241009T090000Z DTEND:20241009T154000Z LOCATION:MANDEC 3rd Floor, University Dental Hospital, Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester M15 6FH END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR