BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Imaging workload and workforce strategies UID:1140 DESCRIPTION:To book for or join this event please use this link:\n\n6.30 - 8.00 pm\n\nNWIA - results from the Reporting Radiographer Survey\n\nProfessor Julie Bridson, Head of Postgraduate Medical Education, Edge Hill University Medical School & & Academic Clinical Director of the North West Imaging Academy Training Hub\n&\nGill Holroyd, Clinical Professional Imaging Lead, NW Imaging Academy Training Hub, Edge Hill University Medical School\n\n\nRecovery strategies for imaging services and sharing best practice\n\nDeborah Mitchell, Diagnostics Programme Director, Humber and North Yorkshire Collaboration of Acute Providers\n&\nDr Victoria Birkett, Consultant Radiologist, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Lead for HNY Imaging Network\n\nTalk synopsis:\n\nThe NW journey and how this has been applied to a system and the transferable learning will be described in this presentation.\n\n \n\nThis course provides 2 CPD Credits in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists.\n\nCPD certificates will be awarded to attendees.\n\n DTSTART:20250424T173000Z DTEND:20250424T190000Z LOCATION:ZOOM LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR