BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Old and the New UID:1145 DESCRIPTION:1.30 pm\nCoffee and registration\n\n2.00 pm\n“Disease modifying therapies in dementia”\nDr Ross Dunne, Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust\n\n2.45 pm\n“Assessment of mental capacity from the perspective of a Special Medical Visitor to the Court of protection”\nDr Faisel Parvez, Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nUnderstanding what of the Court of ProtectionCase law relevant to mental capacity assessment An introduction to legal tests of mental capacity 3.30 pm\nCoffee break\n\n4.00 pm    \ngameChange virtual reality therapy, RCT & Real-World Pilot: outcomes & experiences\nMr John Sainsbury, Innovation Manager, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT\n&\nMs Heather Peel, Service User Researcher based at the Psychosis Research Unit of Research & Innovation, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust\n\nTalk synopis:\n\ngameChange is a novel digital therapeutic intervention, co-designed and delivered, by service users with lived experience, to reduce distress and anxious avoidance of people with psychosis. Colleagues from Research & Innovation @ GMMH will share experiences and outcomes of delivering the RCT and a subsequent real-world implementation pilot.\n\n4.50 pm    \nClose\n \n\nCPD certificates will be awarded to all attendees.\n\n DTSTART:20250402T130000Z DTEND:20250402T153000Z LOCATION:MANDEC 3rd Floor, University Dental Hospital, Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester M15 6FH END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR