BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Imaging Oncology Webinar UID:1148 DESCRIPTION:To book for or join this event please use this link:\n\n6.30 - 7.30 pm\n\nDr Gillian Potter, Consultant Neuroradiologist, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust\n"Proton beam therapy for skull base chordoma and chondrosarcoma: A guide for the radiologist"\n\nLearning objectives:\n\nUnderstand basic histopathology, imaging features and proton beam therapy requirements for skull base chordoma/chondrosarcoma Understand diagnostic challenges in the spectrum of disease for skull base chordoma Be aware of multilayer endoscopic skull base reconstruction (ESBR) Recognise the need for high-quality baseline CT & MR imaging before proton beam therapy, including a dedciated MRI skull base protocol Understand what the oncologist and surgeon need to know \n Dr David Woolf, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, The Christie\n“State of the art SABR with a focus on the thorax"\n\n \n\nThis course provides 1 CPD Credit in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists.\n\nCPD certificates will be awarded to attendees.\n\n DTSTART:20241120T183000Z DTEND:20241120T183000Z LOCATION:ZOOM LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR