BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Joint All-Day Meeting with the Liverpool Society of Anaesthetists 'Trauma Extremes' UID:1153 DESCRIPTION:Accredited for 5 RCOA CPD PointsTo book your place at this HYBRID event or find out further information click here to take you to the LSA website.\n PROGRAMME:08:30 - 09:00\nREGISTRATION\n\nSESSION 1 - EXTREMES\n\nScience on the summit of Mount Everest – What have we learnt?  - Dr Ned (Edward) Gilbert-Kawai\n\nUnder pressure: An update on hyperbaric oxygen therapy - Dr Tristan Cope\n\n\nCOFFEE\n\n\nSESSION 2 - KEYNOTE\n\nDamage control anaesthesia: The fourth component of damage control resuscitation - KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Clint Jones\n\nKnife Trauma - Experience from Aintree MTC  - Dr Nikhil Misra\n\nChest wall blocks, should we all be able to do them? Dr Tom Rudnick\n\n\nLUNCH\n\n\nSESSION 3 - TRAUMA\n\nLessons in the aftermath of the Southport stabbings - Prof. Simon Kenny & Dr Katie Misselbrook \n\nPsychological support following trauma - Ms Clare Chamberlain-Parr\n\nObstetric trauma  - Dr Carol Kenyon\n\n\nCOFFEE\n\n\nSESSION 4 – THE JACKSON REES TRAINEE COMPETITION\n\n5 presentations\n \n\n16:45\nCLOSE OF MEETING\n\n \n\nRegistration fees:IN PERSON ATTENDANCE:\n\nLSA / MMS Member (working) £150.00\nLSA / MMS Member (retired) £45.00\n\nNon-Member £200.00\n\nMedical Student £45.00\n\nTrainee, Public, ODP’s, Nurses & Other Non-Medical Healthcare Professionals £85.00\n\nONLINE ATTENDANCE:\n\nStandard £125.00\nTrainee, Public, ODP’s, Nurses & Other Non-Medical Healthcare Professionals £85.00\n\n DTSTART:20250320T090000Z DTEND:20250320T164500Z LOCATION:The Park Royal Hotel Warrington END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR