BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Patient Safety: A Foundation for Quality Healthcare UID:1154 DESCRIPTION:To book for or join this event please use this link:\n\n6.30-7.30 pm\n\nProfessor Iqbal Singh CBE, Consultant Physician in Medicine for Older People at Blackburn, Pro Vice Chancellor Medicine at the Institute of Medicine, University of Bolton. He is a leading contributor to healthcare and medical regulation and served as founder Commissioner Health Care Commission. Council member GMC (2008-12) and Chaired the GMC’s Equality and Diversity Committee and was member of the Review Group of Good Medical Practice (GMP) 2013.  He Chaired the Health Care Commission’s International Expert Reference Group on Patient Safety developing standards and indicators of assessment of safety in healthcare.\n\nTalk synopsis:\n\nOverall Cost:\nThe NHS incurs an estimated £2.2 billion annually due to avoidable patient harm. This includes the cost of additional treatment, extended hospital stays, litigation, and compensation.\n\nLegal Claims:\nNHS Resolution, responsible for managing claims against the NHS, reported that the total liabilities for clinical negligence claims in England reached over £13 billion in 2022. While not all of these claims are linked to avoidable harm, a significant portion could have been prevented with improved care standards.\n\nHuman Costs: \nBeyond financial expenses, avoidable harm results in physical, emotional, and psychological distress for patients and families. It also impacts staff morale and contributes to burnout.\n\nOpportunity Costs: \nResources spent on addressing avoidable harm could otherwise be invested in improving patient care, upgrading facilities, and training staff.\n\nImproving Culture: \nEncouraging a culture of openness, reporting, and learning from mistakes can mitigate avoidable harm.  Need for training and education.  Link between compassionate leadership and avoidable harm.\n\nInvesting in Safety Initiatives: \nProgrammes such as electronic prescribing systems, standardized protocols, and safety training for staff can prevent errors.\n\nAdopting Technology:\nInnovations such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and real-time monitoring systems can enhance patient safety.\n\nPreventative Care: \nEarly intervention strategies and robust discharge planning can reduce complications and readmissions.  Seamless transfer of care and information, and maximising rehabilitation potential.\n\n\nLearning Objectives\n\nUnderstand the importance of patient safety in healthcare.Identify common patient safety risks and adverse events.Learn strategies for minimizing errors and enhancing safety.Explore tools and frameworks that promote a culture of safety.\n CPD certificates will be awarded to attendees\n\n DTSTART:20250304T183000Z DTEND:20250304T193000Z LOCATION:ZOOM LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR