BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Dental Recovery – Reality or a Myth? UID:30 DESCRIPTION:This meeting is being held on ZOOM.  You will be able to submit questions to the speaker during the event using the Q&A function on Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.  To create a free zoom account, visit\n\nRegister in advance for this webinar at:\n\n\n2.00-2.10 pm\nThe Annual General Meeting of the Section of Odontology will take immediately prior to the symposium to formally elect new Office bearers and members of Council as follows:\nCouncil members: Eleni Deligianni and Mike Smith\n\n2.10-2.50 pm\nDental recovery post-Covid - Opportunities for the profession to build back better or will we always be stuck in a position of recovery? A primary care perspective\nDr Mohsan Ahmad, Chair, Greater Manchester Local Dental Network\n\nSynopsis:\n\nA presentation on understanding the unique challenges the pandemic posed to our profession in primary care. Could recovery be the catalyst to create a NHS contract that truly puts prevention at the core of its strategy and values the dental professionals that continue to provide it.\n\nLearning objectives: \n\nUnderstand the position & challenges pre-Covid\n\nBuilding back better, what are we doing?\n\nDental contract reform\n\nIntegrated care - how can dental teams engage?\n\n2.50-3.25 pm\nManchester Community Dental Service- challenges and opportunities post Covid\nDr Jenny Headey, Clinical Lead, Manchester Community Dental Services\n\nSynopsis:\n\nTo discuss the issues facing the community dental service in Manchester but also across the UK\n\n3.25-3.40 pm \nBreak\n\n3.40-4.15 pm\nAn overview of the challenges and opportunities affecting the University Dental Hospital Manchester as we recover from the Pandemic’s grip on our profession\nMrs Jane Roylance, Chief Executive, Eye & Dental Services, University of Manchester NHS FT\n\nSynopsis:\n\nAn overview of the challenges and opportunities affecting the University Dental Hospital Manchester as we recover from the Pandemic’s grip on our profession.\n\n4.15-4.50 pm\nDr William Newman, Medical Director, Eye & Dental Services, University of Manchester NHS FT\n\nThis activity fulfils GDC eCPD development outcomes: A, B, D.\n\n DTSTART:20221102T140000Z DTEND:20221102T170000Z LOCATION:Zoom END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR