BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Alan Hilton presentations & 'Seamless Transition in Dentistry – Reality or Wishful Thinking' UID:42 DESCRIPTION:This meeting is being held FACE TO FACE.  Registration Fees apply for Non-Members of the Manchester Medical Society – Medical/Health related Students can attend for free by emailing from their student email account to .   All attendees MUST register in advance.\n\n2.00-2.30 pm\nCoffee & Registration\n\n2.30-3.30 pm\n\nAlan Hilton Presentations:\n\nShreeya Patel – Temporal artery biopsies – audit of histopathological criteria outcomesElise Morley – Use of custom silicone putty device for nasal tube stabilisation in orthognathic surgery to minimise alterations in nasio-labial angle, inter-alar width, and nasal septal distortion, as an alternative to submental intubationStephanie Lim – Ophthalmological outcomes in patients referred for and proving positive on temporal artery biopsies for temporal arteritis3.30-4.00 pm\nCoffee break\n\n4.00-6.00 pm\nSymposium ‘Seamless Transition in Dentistry – Reality or Wishful Thinking?’\n\nThe challenges of transition as we grapple through the pandemic, delays in service provision & geographical local service provision of specialist care at the secondary and tertiary levels will be discussed by the following speakers:\n\nDr Lucy McClean, Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry, University Dental Hospital of ManchesterDr Johanna Leven, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, University Dental Hospital of ManchesterDr Victoria Elton, Consultant in Orthodontics, University Dental Hospital of ManchesterMarie Marshall, MFT Consultant nurse for TransitionThis activity fulfils GDC eCPD development outcomes: A, B, C, D\n\n DTSTART:20230301T143000Z DTEND:20230301T180000Z LOCATION:MANDEC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR