BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Clinical Psychopharmacology: An Update UID:45 DESCRIPTION:There is a Registration Fee of £50 for Non-Members of the Manchester Medical Society – Medical/health related Undergraduate Students can attend free but must register in advance at using their student email. No charge for members.\n\n1.30 pm       \n\nCoffee, Registration & Viewing of Posters\n\n2.00 pm       \n\nSwitching antipsychotic medication to improve physical health comes-evidence based approach\n\nProfessor Saeed Farooq, Professor of Psychiatry and Public Mental Health, Keele University, Staffordshire; Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.\n\n2.35 pm        \n\nNeuroimmunology and treatment of psychosis\n\nProfessor Bill Deakin, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, University of Manchester\n\n3.10 pm        \n\nCoffee Break & Viewing of Posters\n\n3.30 pm        \n\nCan We All Be Precision Prescribers?\n\nProfessor Richard Drake, Professor of Clinical Adult Psychiatry, University of Manchester; Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist in Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT Early Intervention Service\n\nWhat is precision prescribing and how can we apply it? A range of things are possible – tighter dose control using plasma monitoring, like clozapine; better staging; tighter clozapine dosing;  pharmacotherapeutics; increasing patient choice; tighter symptom control. But which are worth doing? What can we do in practice?4.05 pm        \n\nReview of the evidence base for psychopharmacological treatments for borderline personality disorder: NICE guidance of clinical practice\n\nDr Inti Qurashi, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, Merseycare NHS Trust\n\nA review of the evidence base from RCT’s and meta-analyses of drug treatment for symptoms of BPD. What works (probably) and what doesn’t (likely). Outline of a funded NIHR study for BPd.\n\n4.40 pm        \n\nClose\n\n DTSTART:20230510T130000Z DTEND:20230510T160000Z LOCATION:MANDEC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR