BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abdominal Wall Reconstruction UID:46 DESCRIPTION:This meeting is being held on ZOOM.  You will be able to submit questions to the speaker during the event using the Q&A function on Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.  To create a free zoom account, visit\n\n6.30-6.50 pm\nHow to set up an AWR service in the UK\nMr Srinivas Chintapatla, Consultant General & Colorectal Surgeon, York & Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS FT\n\nLecture synopsis:\n\nThe talk will look at how we developed an Abdominal Wall Reconstruction service at York ( York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Abdominal Wall Reconstruction ( and will outline the principles and delivery of care for the Complex Abdominal Wall Hernia patient.\n\n6.50-7.10 pm\nWhy we need specialist surgeons in AWR\nProfessor B Todd Heniford, Chief, Gastrointestinal and Minimally Invasive Surgery Director, Carolinas Hernia Center, USA\n\nLecture synopsis:\n\nThe interest in abdominal wall reconstruction has never been greater. This has been propelled by our rapid acquisition of true science in the field, improvement in pre-operative, operative and post-operative patient management, brisk growth in technology and technical skills, and the better understanding of what is required for success in these operations.  These factors along with the measurement in outcomes have emphasized the escalation in knowledge and technical requirements to be an AWR surgeon.  This progression in the field has brought to light the difference that a specialist may bring not only to the complex hernia patient but also those first time hernia patients.\n\n7.10-7.30 pm\nWhom do I not operate on for AWR and why?\nMr Alastair Windsor, Consultant Surgeon to HCA, UK\n\nLecture synopsis:\n\nWith the evolution of hernia surgery from the ‘operation at the end of the list’ to the subspecialty of Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, we have learned a huge amount about how to improve the outcome of these operations. There has been a fundamental change in surgical ethos that now mandates delivering the right operation, to the right patient at the right time and increasingly having it done by the right surgeon.\n\nThis presentation will explore the concepts of ‘optimisation’ in hernia surgery and look at some of the up-to-date techniques that allow repair of some very complex defects. In so doing it will touch on that very difficult issue of risk/benefit and look at patients who we should perhaps not offer surgery to.\n\n7.30-7.50 pm\nQ&A\n\n DTSTART:20230207T190000Z DTEND:20230207T200000Z LOCATION:ZOOM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR