BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Surgery Trainee Presentations UID:47 DESCRIPTION:An excellent opportunity for trainees across the Northwest to present their work face to face to consultants and their peers from across surgical specialities in the region.\n\nRegister for this face-to-face meeting by emailing:\n\n6.30-7.00 pm Coffee & Registration\n\n7.00-8.00 pm The following papers will be presented:\n\n• Can Procollagen I and Procollagen III serve as predictive biomarkers for incisional hernia recurrence? – James Pilkington\n\n• The Sheen Paajanen groin Recommended Treatment ‘SPoRT’ score for groin pain – Sayan Biswas\n\n• Patient Satisfaction with Long-Term Sacral Neuromodulation for Faecal Incontinence: Experience from a Single Tertiary Centre – Sarah Martin\n\n• Essential torticollis from degenerative cervical spine disease which has got better with physio – Mohammad Saleemi\n\n• A randomised controlled trial for the prevention of breast and endometrial cancer using total diet replacement (PROBE-TDR study) – Helen Clarke\n\n8.15 pm Announcement of Winner\n\nVenue Parking:  \n\nThe Nowgen Centre easily accessible by train, air,  bus, car, or on foot.\n\nParking is available at the adjacent Grafton Street multi-story car park.\n\nThe Nowgen Centre\n29 Grafton Street\nManchester\nM13 9WU\n\n DTSTART:20230330T180000Z DTEND:20230330T190000Z LOCATION:The Nowgen Centre, 29 Grafton Street Manchester M13 9WU END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR