BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Sport, Exercise and Mental Health UID:6 DESCRIPTION:This meeting is being held FACE TO FACE.  Registration Fees apply for Non-Members of the Manchester Medical Society – Medical Students can attend for free by emailing from their student email account to .   All attendees MUST register in advance.  Venue directions:\n\nTIMES MAY ALTER SLIGHTLY DURING THE AFTERNOON\n\n1.30 pm\nCoffee & Registration\n\n1.55 pm\nThe Annual General Meeting of the Section of Psychiatry will take immediately prior to the symposium to formally elect new Office bearers and members of Council as follows: JiYeon Baek, Richard Jones, Amy McCulloch,\n\n2.00 pm\nAn insight into working with elite athletes\nProfessor Steve Peters, Consultant Psychiatrist, who specialises in mental health and the functioning of the human mind\n\nSynopsis:\n\nThe presentation will give an insight into the world of elite sport and the particular problems that can present and their possible solutions. Many of the principles can be applied to any organisation or group of people. The talk will be a mixture of insights, information, explanation and offer some personal challenges to those attending.\n\nLearning Objectives:\n\nViewing from the clients/patients standpoint (Conflict resolution principle)\n\nBeing vigilant about recognising assumptions and their potential consequences\n\nOvertraining syndrome and correlation with CFS\n\n3.30 pm\nCoffee Break\n\n3.15 pm\nTheme: Chronic fatigue and relationship to overtraining\nProfessor Steve Peters, Consultant Psychiatrist, he specialises in mental health and the functioning of the human mind\n\n3.45 pm\nMoving for better mental health: exploring what works and the complexities of the so called ‘miracle cure’\nHayley Jarvis, Head of Physical Activity, MIND\n\nLearning Objectives:\n\nAn introduction to Mind and how we are using sport and physical activity to build resilience, support and enable mental health recovery and tackle stigma.\n\nAn exploration of the barriers people with mental health problems experience in moving more for better mental health and why there are complexities between the relationships between physical activity and mental health.  (TBC lived experience speaker to accompany)\n\nAn overview of physical activity programmes such as Get Set to Go which are supporting people to use physical activity to stay well and live well with mental health problems in the community\n\nAn introduction to resources and tools to support professionals to introduce the benefits of physical activity.\n\n4.30 pm\nClose\n\n DTSTART:20220928T130000Z DTEND:20220928T160000Z LOCATION:MANDEC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR