BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Surgery Joint meeting with NW Uro-Oncology Group UID:8 DESCRIPTION:We plan to hold this meeting FACE TO FACE  This meeting is free for all to attend.\n\nAn excellent opportunity for trainees (Urology & Oncology) across the Northwest to present their work face to face to consultants and their peers from across surgical specialities in the region. There is a £100 prize awarded to the winner.\n\nVenue:  OCRB (Oglesby Cancer Research Building) lecture theatre, MCRC.  The white building opposite the Christie NHS FT.\n\nThere is free off street car parking on most streets around the MCRC including Cotton Lane. Parking is free in bays from 6pm, Monday to Friday. Before that parking is free for up to 3 hours at any time in parking bays. In addition to this there are 2 car parks at The Christie. Car park D is open 24 hours a day. Car park C opens at 5:30am and closes at 10pm. Details are available on the following map:\n\n5:15pm       Refreshments\n\n6:00pm       Introduction - Prof Vijay Sangar\n\n6:10pm       Update on Adjuvant Therapies in Bladder Cancer Dr Andrew Hudson\n\n6:30pm       Regional Trainees Uro-Oncology Presentations (Panel : Prof Clarke, Mr James Dyer, Mr Phil Cornford)\n\n1. An entirely robotic renal surgery service. Is this the future of all renal surgery?\nSisk, Tolifari, Salford Royal Hospitals\n\n2. Prostate Magnetic Resonance Imaging Delta-Radiomics in the Dominant Intraprostatic Lesion during Image-Guided Conventional Fractionation and Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy\nLeah Brooks, Martin Swinton, Alan McWilliam, Robin Portner, Gareth Price, Peter Hoskin, University of Manchester, The Christie & Lancashire Teaching Hospitals\n\n3. Use of PSA in 2 week wait clinic\nBennett, Wirral University Hospitals\n\n4. Bring on BCON! The unmet need of bladder cancer patients unsuitable for chemoradiation treated with radical radiotherapy alone: a single institution retrospective case note review.\nHolly Egan, Benjamin Sanderson, Alison Birtle, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals\n\n5. PDL-1 Expression and Tumour Associated Macrophages in Penile Cancer: N0 vs N+\nFowz Azhar, Ashwin Sachdeva, Claire A. Hart, Pedro Oliveira, Mick Brown, Vijay Sangar, Noel Clarke, The Christie, Salford Royal & University of Manchester\n\n6. Introduction and experience of Transurethral Laser Ablation (TULA) for bladder cancer\nT Lee, L Clarke, L Derbyshire, M Liew, Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Hospitals\n\n7. Is it time to include CT brain scans in high-risk renal cell carcinoma follow-up?\nSmith P, Jones CM, Tishkovskaya S, Musgrave H, Charnley N, Zelhof B\nLancashire Teaching Hospitals & University of Central Lancashire\n\n8. The impact of low- versus high-intensity cystoscopic follow-up in intermediate risk NMIBC\nY Zhan, J Dyer, Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport\n\n9. Improving prostate cancer care in Lancashire: Updates and challenges\nSabine Uguzova, Selene Liew, Pradip Javle, Steven Finney, Ahsanul Haq, Blessing Dhliwayo, Sharief Sadathulla, Michal Smolski\nLancashire Teaching Hospitals\n\n10. Evaluation of fractures and falls in men with advanced or metastatic prostate cancer treated with novel androgen receptor signalling inhibitors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.\nCraig Jones, Ashwin Sachdeva, Struan Gray, Mick Brown, Noel Clarke\nThe Christie, Salford Royal, Wirral University Hospital & University of Manchester\n\n7:45pm       Closing Statements by Prof Vijay Sangar\n\n \n\n DTSTART:20220929T161500Z DTEND:20220929T190000Z LOCATION:OCRB (Oglesby Cancer Research Building) lecture theatre, MCRC, The Christie NHS FT, 555 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 4GJ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR