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Welcome to the Manchester Medical Society

Manchester Medical Society was formed in 1834 and is a major provider of continuing medical education (CME) in the region. We provide local, high-quality meetings with speakers of national and international renown.

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Wedgwood School Christmas Lecture for Young People

06 . 12 . 24

The annual schools Christmas lecture took place on Wednesday 4th December 2024.  Aimed at 15 to 18 year olds, over 250 young people from schools within the NorthWest attended, demonstrating what is always a very popular and engaging... Continue Reading

Upcoming MMS Events

Afternoon symposium - Compassion, Empathy and Kindness in Medicine


Alan Hilton Presentations & Guest Lecture "CONposite - is it for everyone…"

Psychosis and personality

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Benefits of joining the Manchester Medical Society

  • Society-arranged meetings; the majority of which are free to members or at a reduced rate.
  • Opportunities to network with colleagues and speakers.
  • A borrower's card for the University of Manchester Library.
  • A log-in to the members' area of the website for access to past presentations.
  • Manchester Medical Society is a major provider of continuing medical education (CME).


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