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Psychiatry Office Bearers & Members of Council

2024/2025 Office Bearers and Council Members



As far as possible the Section Council attempts to arrange stimulating and interesting meetings covering all aspects of anaesthesia. Inevitably the Section Council cannot be aware of all current topics that may be of interest to members and the names of potential speakers. If any Society members have any suggestions for future meetings or the contact details of potential speakers they are encouraged to contact the Section or Society secretaries.


About the Council

Under its constitution, the Section Council has a complement of 12 Office Bearers and Council members consisting of the following:

President President-elect Immediate past-president Honorary Secretary Eight Ordinary members

Section Council members give freely of their own time in order to approach potential speakers, secure venues and arrange sponsorship for meetings. They also commit to attending two committee meetings per annum where the educational programmes for the ensuing 12 months are arranged. They are supported in this endeavour by permanent staff based at The University of Manchester.

The President and Secretary are elected from within the Section Council. The presidential term is for one year although it is preceded by a year serving as President-elect and succeeded by a year as Immediate past-president. The Honorary Secretary serves for a term of three years.

The term of service for Ordinary Members of Section Council (including trainee members) is three years and is not renewable although Ordinary Members may continue to serve as an Officer of the Section. Ordinary Members are elected after consideration by the existing Section Council at one of the thrice-yearly meetings. The Section Council is always keen to attract new members. Any individual who is a member of the Society who is interested in serving can contact the Society or Section secretaries.