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General Internal Medicine – Core Topics (autumn 2022)

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This meeting is being held on ZOOM.  You will be able to submit questions to the speaker during the event using the Q&A function on Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.  To create a free zoom account, visit

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9.30-9.35 am
The Annual General Meeting of the Section of Medicine to formally elect new Office bearers and members of Council as follows:

President elect – Sally Jewsbury

Ordinary members of Council – James Lilleker, Svetlana Arangelova

9.35-10.05 am
The Aftermath of COVID-19
Presidential Address of Dr Gareth Hughes, Consultant in Intensive Care and Respiratory Medicine, Bolton NHS FT and Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester and University of Bolton


This talk will review the current understanding of pathophysiology, treatment options for COVID-19 along with the natural history of recovery and the challenges posed by interstitial lung disease following infection.

Learning Objectives:

To understand the pathophysiology of COVID-19

To understand the current treatment options available for COVID-19

To understand the spectrum of respiratory complications following COVID-19

10.05-10.35 am
Overview of Sickle Cell Disease
Dr Joseph Sharif, Consultant Haematologist, Manchester University NHS FT (MRI)

Learning objectives:

Pathophysiology of sickle cell disease

Acute complications

Chronic complications

10.35-10.50 am
Short break

10.50-11.20 am
Osteoporosis and secondary fracture prevention
Dr Jennifer Ruddlesdin, Consultant Consultant Orthogeriatrician and Associate Foundation Programme Director, Bolton NHS FT


Fragility fractures are a cause of significant morbidity and mortality, placing considerable burden on the NHS as a whole and are frequently a life-changing event for the individual. There is increasing awareness of how we can identify and assess patients at risk of fragility fractures in order to improve outcomes and maintain independence in mid to older age. In this talk, Dr Ruddlesdin will look at osteoporosis and other contributors to fracture risk, methods for fracture risk assessment, and what we can do in ourselves and others to reduce our risk of fractures in the future.

Learning objectives:

Understand the impact of the impact of fragility fractures on the individual and on the NHS

How to assess the risk of fragility fractures

What can be done to reduce the risk of further fractures

11.20-11.50 pm
Anaphylaxis - What's new?
Dr Susana Marinho, Consultant Allergist & Clinical Lead for Allergy Service, Manchester University NHS FT (Wythenshawe)

11.50-12.20 pm
Oncological Emergencies in Lung cancer
Dr Laura Cove-Smith, Consultant in Medical Oncology, The Christie NHS FT

12.20 pm
Closing comments & completion of online questionnaire   

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