This meeting is being subsidised by the Manchester Medical Society and is FREE for all to attend. You will be able to submit questions to the panel during the event using the Q&A function on Zoom.
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Morning Presentations & Symposium
10.00 am
Research and Audit Presentations - details of how to submit an abstract.
Closing date for entries Friday 20th August 2021. EXTENDED TO 10th September 2021.
11.45 am
Comfort Break
12.00 pm
“Paediatrics 2040: planning for the next 20 years of paediatric practice”
Professor Russell Viner (Former RCPCH President and Professor of Adolescent Health at the UCL Institute of Child Health in London)
Learning objectives:
Understand historical trends in activity and burden of disease in paediatrics over the past decade
Examine likely trends in activity and burden of disease modelled over the next 20 years
Identify potential solutions to increasing activity levels including integrated care
12.40 pm
“RCPCH Strategic Priorities for 2021-2024”
Dr Camilla Kingdon (President, RCPCH and Consultant Neonatologist, Evelina London Children's Hospital)
Talk synopsis:
The RCPCH Strategy covers the College’s ambitions and priorities for the next 3 years. There are 4 distinct strands – improving care, shaping policy and advocating for child health, developing our communities, and equipping members with the skills and knowledge they need. In this talk Dr Kingdon will describe the evolution of the strategy and will elaborate on some of the exciting projects of work that paediatricians are undertaking at the College to improve working lives and advocate for children.
1.20 pm - 1.55 pm
Lunch break
Afternoon AGM, Presidential Address & Symposium
1.55 pm
Annual General Meeting of the Section of Paediatrics to formally elect new Office bearers and members of Council as follows:
President elect – Hilary Lloyd
Ordinary members of Council – Chris Cooper, Ashlea Norton
2.00 pm
Presidential Address by Dr Ruth Gottstein (Consultant Neonatologist, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and Associate Head of School of Paediatrics at the Health Education North West (HENW))
2.50 pm
"What has HEENW ever done for paediatrics?"
Dr Alistair Thomson (Consultant Paediatrician, Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Associate Postgraduate Dean, Health Education England NorthWest (HEENW))
This session aims to explore how postgraduate medical education in paediatrics works, by discussing the systems shared between the RCPCH, Health Education England NorthWest, and the Trusts. Is it harmonious or has it become an unsustainable behemoth? And what does HEENW contribute?
3.30 pm
"NW Steering Group of RCPCH – it’s aims and achievements"
Dr Ranganath Ranganna (RCPCH Tutor, Deputy Regional Lead for Paediatrics and Consultant Neonatologist, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust)
4.10 pm
Closing comments