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Call for Paediatric abstracts - CLOSING DATE EXTENDED 11TH SEPTEMBER 2024

Request for Abstracts and Papers for Presentation at the FACE TO FACE Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 9th October 2024

Instructions to Authors

  1. Abstracts are invited from medical students, trainees, career paediatricians and other child health professionals.
  2. Abstracts should be no more than 500 words.
  3. The title (typed in capital letters) should be followed by the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s) with the presenting author underlined.
  4. The content should include a reason for study, what was done, what was found, and what was concluded, much along the lines of summaries for published papers.  Acceptance will depend on adequate scientific content of the abstract.
  5. The abstract should be based on data obtained whilst working in the North West of England.
  6. Abstracts should be emailed to by the EXTENDED closing date of Wednesday 11th September 2024 at MIDNIGHT.
  7. The Council will have the final say as to whether the abstract be accepted for either oral or poster presentation.
  8. If asked to produce a Poster this should be A1 size.
  9. A prize of £100 will be awarded for the best oral presentation on the day.
  10. Receipt of abstract will be acknowledged by email.  If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 72 hours of submitting your abstract please email the Society’s office again to confirm it has been received.

Dr Naseem Sharif
Honorary Secretary of the Manchester Paediatric Club


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