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Section of Imaging - Judith Adams essay competition CLOSING DATE: 17TH SEPTEMBER 2024

2024 Instructions

Essay title

All submitted essays must answer the following question:

Sustainability in Medical Imaging: Reducing Environmental Footprint for Future Generations

Word count

All essays must be less than 1000 words. This does not include the title or any references. Only the first 1000 words will be assessed. The essay must use no more than 10 references and 3 figures/tables.

Essay submission

The essay competition is open to all medical/radiography students, foundation doctors and allied health professionals in the UK. All entrants must be members of the Manchester Medical Society and provide their membership number on the submission form. Membership for undergraduate students is free. Membership can be obtained from the MMS website: Each entrant may only submit one essay. All submissions must be sent via the following form: . The submitted essay must be in the form of a word document or pdf and should include the word count in the header. The essay must be the sole work of an individual, co-authoring is not permitted. Along with the essay, all entrants must provide their full name, institute (medical school/ hospital trust) and MMS membership number. All submissions should also include the following declaration:

I, [Entrant’s full name], confirm that my submission for the MMS Section of Imaging Judith Adams essay competition 2024 is my own work, is not copied from any other person’s work (published or unpublished), and has not previously been submitted to the Manchester Medical Society or elsewhere. I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised work, any prizes will be rescinded and I may be barred from entering in future competitions with the Manchester Medical Society.

Competition dates

Essay submission opens at 12pm on 17th June 2024. Essays submitted before this date will not be included.

The final submission date is 11:59pm on 17th September 2024. Essays submitted late will not be included.

The winners of the competition will be announced on 10th October 2024 at the Imaging Trainee Presentations afternoon event.  Click here to find further details for this event.

Competition judging and award

All essays will be judged independently by three appointed council members. Essays will be scored on essay content, relevance of subject matter, structure and presentation, use of references and correct grammar. Outcomes will be final. The highest scoring submission from a medical student, foundation doctor and allied health professional will be confirmed as winners of the competition. There will be three winners, one medical student, one foundation doctor and one allied health professional. All participants will receive a certificate of participation for their portfolios. The three winning essays will be published on the Manchester Medical Society website. The winning medical student* will be awarded a £25 prize. 

*Please note that the £25 prize is only available to the winning medical student. There is no cash prize for the winning foundation doctor or allied health professional.

Other queries

For any queries regarding the competition, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following email:  

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