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Society Related News

Wedgwood School Christmas Lecture for Young People

The annual schools Christmas lecture took place on Wednesdsay 6th December 2023.  Aimed at 15 to 18 year olds, over 350 young people from schools within the NorthWest attended, what is always a very popular and engaging meeting. This talk... Read more

Professor Sir Jonathan Van-Tam gives the Telford Memorial Lecture

The Manchester Medical Society was priviledged to hear Professor Sir Jonathan Vam-Tam MBE, FRCPath FRSB FMedSci give the Telford Memorial Lecture on Wednesday 21st June 2023 in the Simon Building at the University of Manchester on ‘Science, policy... Read more

Manchester Medical Careers Fair 22nd February 2023

Pictures from this year's Manchester Medical Careers Fair, organised by the University of Manchester and the Manchester Medical Society.  Thank you to all those who volunteered their time yesterday to talk with the medical students. A students... Read more